Friday 14 June 2013

Its Gone

Hi All
yes its gone, my music shop has gone to a musician who lives in London, they came to collect it yesterday and loved it, they have promised to send me photo's when it is in its new home.

Did not get much done yesterday, mostly I was looking at different designs to paint on my caravan, I keep getting distracted by the little old lady that has taken up residence in my work room, I keep getting reports that she is wandering around at night, but every morning she is on her scooter waiting for me. She changed the scooter last night and she is now on the Goth on, I will have to give her a name, cannot keep calling her old lady!!


1 comment:

Hairy Caveman said...

It's got to be an old-time name like Gertrude or Ethel. I'm loving the Goth scooter!! Kind regards, Brian